Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
A Treatise on White Magic - Table
of Contents
Introductory Remarks
Man's Three Aspects
Rule One
Solar Angel collects himself, scatters not his force but, in meditation deep, communicates
with his reflection."
Some Basic Assumptions
The Way of the Disciple
Rule Two
the shadow hath responded, in meditation deep the work proceedeth. The lower light is
thrown upward; the greater light illuminates the three, and the work of the four
The Hindrances to Occult Study
The Overcoming of the Hindrances
Rule Three
Energy circulates. The point of light, the product of the labors of the four, waxeth and
growth. The myriads gather round its glowing warmth until its light recedes. Its fire
grows dim. Then shall the second sound go forth."
Soul Light and Body Light
Principles and Personalities
Rule Four
light, vibration, and the form blend and merge, and thus the work is one. It proceedeth
under the law, and naught can hinder now the work from going forward. The man breathes
deeply. He concentrates his forces, and drives the thought-form from him."
The Creative Work of Sound
The Science of the Breath
Rule Five
things engage the Solar Angel before the sheath created passes downward; the condition of
the waters, the safety of the one who thus creates, and steady contemplation. Thus are the
heart, the throat, and eye, allied for triple service."
The Soul and its Thought-Forms
1. The Condition of the Waters
2. The Safety of the One who Thus Creates
3. Steady Contemplation
Heart, Throat and Eye
The Awakening of the Centers
Rule Six
devas of the lower four feel the force when the eye opens; they are driven forth and lose
their master."
The Work of the Eye
Rule Seven
dual forces on the plane (whereon the vital power must be sought) are seen; the two paths
face the solar Angel; the poles vibrate. A choice confronts the one who meditates."
The Battleground of the Astral Plane
The two Paths
Rule Eight
Agnisuryans respond to the sound. The waters ebb and flow. Let the magician guard himself
from drowning, at the point where land and water meet. The midway spot, which is neither
dry nor wet, must provide the standing place whereon his feet are set. When water, land
and air meet there is the place for magic to be wrought."
Types of Astral Force
Cyclic Ebb and Flow
Rule Nine
next ensues. The fire and waters meet, the form swells and grows. Let the magician set his
form upon the proper path."
The Necessity for Purity
Fundamental Forms
Rule Ten
the waters bathe the form created, they are absorbed and used. The form increases in its
strength; let the magician thus continue until the work suffices. Let the outer builders
cease their labors then, and let the inner workers enter on their cycle."
Thought-Form Building
The Centers, Energies and Rays
Astral Energy and Fear
The Right Use of Energy
The Present Age and the Future
The Founding of the Hierarchy
The New Group of World Servers
Astrology and the Energies
Rule Eleven
things the worker with the law must now accomplish. First, ascertain the formula which
will confine the lives within the ensphering wall; next, pronounce the words which will
tell them what to do and where to carry that which has been made; and finally, utter forth
the mystic phrase which will save him from their work."
Analysis of the Tree Sentences
Salvation from our Thought-Forms
Salvation from Death
Rule Twelve
web pulsates. It contracts and expands. Let the magician seize the midway point and thus
release those "prisoners of the planet" whose note is right and justly tuned to
that which must be made."
Interludes and Cycles
The Prisoners of the Planet
Rule Thirteen
magician must recognize the four; note in his work the shade of violet they evidence, and
thus construct the shadow. When this is so, the shadow clothes itself, and the four become
the seven."
The Quaternaries to be Recognized
The Precipitation of Thought-Forms
Rule Fourteen
sound swells out. The hour of danger to the soul courageous draweth near. The waters have
not hurt the white creator and naught could drown nor drench him. Danger from fire and
flame menaces now, and dimly yet the rising smoke is seen. Let him again, after the cycle
of peace, call on the Solar Angel."
The Centers and Prana
The Use of the Hands
The Treading of the Way
The Awakening of the Centers
Rule Fifteen
fires approach the shadow, yet burn it not. The fire sheath is completed. Let the magician
chant the words that blend the fire and water."
The Esoteric Sense
The Negation of the Great Illusion
A Call to Service
The New Age Groups and Training |