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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Section Two - Division D - Thought Elementals and Fire Elementals
The occult significance of these words in connection with the energy standing behind and working through all appearance might be expressed as follows:

Knowledge 79 is the right apprehension of the laws of energy, of the conservation of force, of the sources of [880] energy, of its qualities, its types and its vibrations. It involves an apprehension of:

  1. The different key vibrations.
  2. The centers whereby force enters.
  3. The channels along which it circulates. [881]
  4. The triangles and other geometrical figures which it produces during evolution.
  5. The cycles and the ebb and flow of energy in connection with the different types of planetary manifestation, including all the kingdoms of nature.
  6. The true significance of those force aspects which we call "periods of pralaya" and those we call "periods of manifestation." It also involves a right realization of the laws of obscuration.

All this the man has been learning in the various Halls through practical experience, involving pleasure and pain; these, in the final initiations, bring him to a realization not only of the existence of these forces but of how to wield and manipulate them. This is knowledge: to rightly direct force currents, first in the three worlds of human endeavor, and then in the solar system.

Love is the right apprehension of the uses and purposes of form, and of the energies involved in form-building, the utilization of form, and the eventual dissipation of the superseded form. It involves a realization of the Laws of Attraction and Repulsion, of the magnetic interplay between all forms, great and small, of group relationships, of the galvanizing power of the unifying life, and the attractive power of one unit upon another, be it atom, man, or solar system. It involves an understanding of all forms, form purposes, and form relationships; it concerns the building processes in man himself, and in the solar system; and it necessitates the development of those powers within man which will make him a conscious Builder, a solar Pitri of a coming cycle. This [882] is one of the great revelations at initiation: the unveiling to the initiate of the particular cosmic center whence emanates the type of force or energy which he, the initiate, will be concerned with when he becomes in due course of time a solar Pitri, or divine manasaputra to a coming humanity. Hence he must have, not only knowledge, but the energy of love likewise to enable him to perform the function of linking the higher three and the lower four of a future race of men at some distant period, thus permitting of their individualizing through the sacrifice of his own fully conscious middle principle.


  1. There are seven branches of knowledge mentioned in the Puranas:
    - S. D., I, 192.
  2. The Gnosis, the hidden Knowledge, is the seventh Principle, the six schools of Indian philosophy are the six principles. - S. D., I, 299.
    These six schools are:
    1. The school of Logic - Proof of right perception.
    2. The atomic school - System of particulars. Elements. Alchemy and chemistry.
    3. The Sankhya school - System of numbers. The materialistic school. The theory of the seven states of matter or prakriti.
    4. The school of Yoga - Union. The rule of daily life. Mysticism.
    5. The school of Ceremonial Religion - Ritual. Worship of the devas or Gods.
    6. The Vedanta school - Has to do with non-duality. Deals with the relation of Atman in man to the Logos.
  3. There are four branches of knowledge to which H. P. B. specially refers:
    - S. D., I, 192.
    These four are probably those with which man has dealt the most, in this fourth round and fourth chain. - Compare S. D., I, 70, 95, 107, 227.
    The four Noble Truths. The four Vedas. The four Gospels. The four basic admissions. The four ready Elements. The four grades of Initiation.
    1. Yajna Vidya - The performance of religious rites in order to produce certain results. Ceremonial magic. It is concerned with Sound, therefore with the Akasha, or the ether of space. The "yajna" is the invisible Deity who pervades space.
      Perhaps this concerns the physical plane?
    2. Mahavidya - The great magic knowledge. It has degenerated into Tantrika worship. Deals with the feminine aspect, or the matter (mother) aspect. The basis of black magic. True mahayoga has to do with the form (second aspect) and its adaptation to Spirit and its needs.
      Perhaps this concerns the astral plane?
    3. Guyha vidya - The science of mantrams. The secret knowledge of mystic mantrams. The occult potency of sound, of the Word.
      Perhaps this concerns the mental plane?
    4. Atma vidya - True spiritual wisdom.
  4. Knowledge of truth is a common inheritance. - S. D., II, 47, 3.
  5. Knowledge is a relative subject, and varies according to the grade achieved.
    1. Ranges of further knowledge open up before a planetary Logos.
      - S. D., II, 740.
    2. The four truths can be arrived at by unaided man. - S. D., III, 420.
  6. Finally, Knowledge is a dangerous weapon: This is due to Personal Selfishness. It is only safe when:
    1. One gives oneself up to it, body, soul and spirit. - S. D., III, 62, 63.
    2. One has an unshakeable belief in one's own divinity - S. D., III, 62, 63.
    3. One recognizes one's own immortal Principle.
    4. One knows oneself - S. D., III, 435, 436.
    5. All the virtues are practiced. - S. D., III, 262.
    6. One has experience. - S. D., III, 481.
    7. One realizes knowledge is the fruit of Spirit alone. - S. D., III, 453.
    8. Knowledge is acquired through the region of the higher mind.
      S. D., III, 453.
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