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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Stanzas of Dzyan
Stanza XIII

Through the band of violet that encircleth the Heavens passeth the globe of purple dark. It passeth and returneth not. It becometh enrapt in the blue. Three times the blue enfoldeth, and when the cycle is completed the purple fadeth and is merged into the rose, and the path again is traversed.

Three the great colors in the cycle that counteth as the fourth, violet, blue and rose, with the basic purple in revolution.

Four are the colors secondary in the cycle of discrimination in which the revolution taketh place. It is circled to the midmost point and somewhat passed. Yellow the band that cometh, orange the cloud that hideth, and green for vivification. Yet the time is not yet.

Many the circling fires; many the revolving rounds, but only when the complementary colors recognize their source, and the whole adjusteth itself to the seven will be seen completion. Then will be seen each color in adjustment right, and the cessation of revolution.

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