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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Stanzas of Dzyan
Stanza XI

The wheel of life turns within the wheel of outer form.

The matter of Fohat circulateth, and its fire hardeneth all the forms. The wheel that is not glimpsed moveth in rapid revolution within the slower outer case, till it weareth out the form.

The forty-nine fires burn at the inner center. The thirty-five circulating fiery vortices extend along the circle of the periphery. Between the two passeth in ordered sequence the various colored flames.

The great Triangles in their just arrangement hold hid the secret of the wheel of life. The cosmic fire radiates as directed from the second sphere, controlled by the Ruler of the merging ray. The cohorts of the third encircling sphere in varied ranks mark out the lesser threes.

The wheel of life still moves within the form. The devas of the fourth connect the thirty-five, and blend them with the central forty-nine. Above they work, seeking to merge the whole. Upward they strive, who in their myriad forms revolve within the wheels of lesser magnitude. The whole is one, yet on the lower spheres only the forms appear. They seem in their divisions more than can be grasped or met.

The many circulate. The forms are built, become too firm, are broken by the life, and circulate again. The few revolve, holding the many in the heat of motion. The one embraces all, and carries all from great activity into the heart of cosmic peace. [32]

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