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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Stanzas of Dzyan
Stanza IV

In revolution fifth of the great Wheel the period set was reached. The lesser wheel, that responded to that fifth great turn, passed through the cycle and entered into peace.

The lesser wheels come forth and likewise do their work. The great Wheel gathers back the emanating sparks. The Five dealt with the work, the lesser two but wrought with detail. The Stone had gathered fire, lambent with flame it shone. The outer sheath met not the need till the sixth wheel and the seventh had passed it through their fires.

The Sons of God emerged from out their source, gazed on the sevenfold work, and stated it was good. The Stone was set alone. In dual revolution moved the greater Wheel. The fourth Lord of the greater Twelve handled the work of sevenfold fire. "It is not fit," He said, "merge thou this Stone within the wheel which started revolution."

The lords of the greater seven plunged the Stone within the moving wheel. The lords of the greater fifth and sixth likewise plunged their Stone.

Within the fire, deep at the inmost sphere, as whirled through space the greater Wheel, bearing the lesser seven, the two were fused. The fourth, the fifth, the sixth blended, merged and intermingled.

The aeon closed, the work was done. The stars stood still. The eternal Ones cried to inmost heaven: "Display the work. Draw forth the Stones." And lo, the Stones were one. [18]

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