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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Introductory Postulates
III. All souls are identical with the Oversoul.
  1. The Logos of the solar system is the Macrocosm. Man is the Microcosm.
  2. Soul is an aspect of every form of life from a Logos to an atom.
  3. This relationship between all souls and the Oversoul constitutes the basis for the scientific belief in Brotherhood. Brotherhood is a fact in nature, not an ideal.
  4. The Law of Correspondences will explain the details of this relationship. This Law of Correspondences or of Analogy is the interpretive law of the system, and explains God to man.
  5. Just as God is the Macrocosm for all the kingdoms in Nature, so man is the Macrocosm for all the subhuman kingdoms.
  6. The goal for the evolution of the atom is self-consciousness as exemplified in the human kingdom.
    The goal for the evolution of man is group consciousness, as exemplified by a planetary Logos.
    The goal for the planetary Logos is God consciousness, as exemplified by the solar Logos.
  7. The solar Logos is the sumtotal of all the states of consciousness within the solar system.
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